Donate Gift Cards for Students

Going to college is an exciting transition that many students aren’t prepared for. To assist with this transition, Students Without Mothers provides its students with gift cards to purchase necessities for their dormitories, school supplies, and personal items. You may support Students Without Mothers by donating gift cards. Please see below for a list of gift card suggestions:

  • Best Buy
  • Fast Food Restaurants
  • Kroger
  • Office Depot
  • Target
  • The Container Store
  • Walgreens
  • Wal-Mart

If you would like to donate a gift card please mail them directly to us and we will send you a confirmation of receipt. Our address is:

Students Without Mothers, Inc.
ATTN: Charlotte Hall
458 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Building A, Suite 406
Atlanta, GA 30308

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