Monthly Donor Program

SWM’s Monthly Donor Program is designed to provide consistent financial support for the organization throughout the year. Funds are used to provide the financial assistance and vital services our students need in order to continue their education. Those services include scholarship funds, life coaching, grief counseling, and other resources. Monthly Donors commit to making a donation once per month for a donation amount determined by the donor.

Please complete the form below to provide your information. The donation will be taken monthly on the date you make the initial donation. 

Please select “monthly” option under donation schedule.

If assistance is needed or if you would like your donation processed on a different date please email us at and we can set up the monthly payments for you.


We are pleased to show appreciation to our Monthly Donors by providing the following:

  • A listing in the program booklet distributed at the Annual Scholarship Luncheon
  • A group photo of each year’s scholarship recipients
  • A listing on the SWM website
  • A listing in the SWM Annual Report

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