Pledge to Sponsor a Student

Cost to Support a Student for Five Years

Help Our Students Succeed

We are seeking sponsors to pledge to sponsor a student at one of two levels:


Student Sponsor

Fully support a student for their entire 5 years in the program (senior year of high school through 4 years of college, by donating a total of $10k over a 5-year period (or $2k a year or $167/month for 5 years). Your donation covers annual scholarship disbursements; life coaching; grief counseling; dormitory supplies; a laptop computer; gift cards and emergency funds.


Student Aid Sponsor

Provide supplemental support for a student for a one-year period, by donating a total of $500 (or $42/month). Your donation covers care packages (2 per school year); gift cards and emergency funds.


Note: Emergency funds are placed in a general fund and may be used by other students in the program if the student you’re sponsoring does not request emergency funds.



Student Sponsors Recognition

Your support is greatly appreciated.  As a small token of our appreciation for your support you will receive the following recognition:

  • Name listed on our website
  • Name listed in our annual report
  • Complimentary Invitation (ticket or link) to our Annual Scholarship Awards Luncheon
  • Name listed in our Scholarship Luncheon e-program booklet
  • A one-sheet introduction of the student you’re sponsoring to include the student’s photo
  • *An annual update on the student you’re sponsoring

*10k sponsors only.

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