SWM Blog

View our previous newsletters to keep up-to-date with SWM!

February Newsletter

Dear SWM Supporter, Happy February! Early this month, SWM packed up and moved to a new office. Don't worry -- we are still in Atlanta and excited to continue to serve students in the metro-Atlanta area. We appreciate all that you do to sustain our mission of empowering students to help themselves. Because of your support, we continue to provide educational support services to 33 active students during these uncertain times.  SWM News Save the Date 6/15/21 - Annual Scholarship Awards Luncheon...

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January Newsletter

Dear SWM Supporter, On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff at Students Without Mothers, I would like to wish you a healthy and prosperous new year! It is no surprise that this year will also present unique challenges to all of us, as we continue to battle the Coronavirus pandemic and political unrest within our nation's borders. Our students, who have already faced significant challenges in their lifetime, will need more help than ever to continue their fight to pursue higher education....

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